The Journal of East Asian Health (JEAH) editorial team is committed to providing subscribers with the best quality articles in a timely manner, ensuring a journal that subscribers will find stimulating and useful in their teaching and professional activities.



Soonhwan Jeon, Joongbu University, Korea



Jeongkyo Suh, Joongbu University, Korea



Hyunkyung Kim, Joongbu University, Korea 


Associate Editor

Dandan Zheng, The First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui University of Chinese Medicine, China 


Editorial Review Board

Keonyeop Kim, Department of Preventive Medicine, School of Medicine, Kyungpook National University, Korea 

Ryoung Choi, Dongshin University, Korea

Garyung Lee, Ulsan College, Korea

Mihui Kim, Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Korea

Sangouk Woo, Chungnam Center for Infectious Diseases Control and Prevention, Korea

Jin Ma, People’s Hospital Affiliated to Jiangsu University, China  


Manuscript Editor

Hyun-Sup Choi, Kyobo Centre Co., Ltd., Korea